PET Analogy of BOT
Recently while going through some of the articles on investing and ownership of BOT, came through an interesting analysis of PET analogy of BOT done by Surdak. To reinforce his pet analogy, he selected several of the types of BOTs he has seen companies deploy in the real world and came up with the analogous. The following BOT categories are typical of those found in the Automation industry today: Turtle BOT’s or TOT’s: This is a BOT that allows an organization to claim that they are using BOT technology, but only just. Nearly all Proofs of Concept (POCs) or Proofs of Value (POVs) are TOT’s. They nearly always work because their functionality is so limited, your expectations of them are so small, and the situation in which they are used is almost never an adequate approximation of reality. Crab BOT’s or CROT’s: A CROT is a TOT that sits in its own little house and doesn’t do much. Hence a CROT is a TOT that runs on a laptop. A Proof of Concept is likely a CROT....