Cost Savings or More then ROI
Do you know why vast majority of people or organizations invest in RPA projects? Actually no one has got the exact answer to this question. But mostly people / organizations invest in RPA projects for cost savings. As such taking the call whether to go-ahead and use the BOT or not is return on investment or ROI. And a positive ROI means that the cost of deploying the BOT was recovered in the saving that BOT has generated. The issue in measuring ROI is that when we are candid with ourselves, the process of calculating ROI’s is massively faulty. But no worry, let's try to accurately model all the costs and benefits associated with an RPA solution. One thing we should always remember that accuracy of the ROI outcome is totally dependent upon the correctness of our inputs and our expectations. A slight slippage here & there means, the calculated ROI is often meaningless. Sometimes this factual error is accidental, but other times it is quite intentional. While BOT's often ha...