RPA Exception Handling – Be in control
Companies in every major industry are turning to semiautonomous computers (better known as BOTs) to automate large- and small-scale business processes. This technology replaces human intervention in back-office operations, improving operational efficiency, reducing costs and increasing margins. However, organizations cannot employ this technology effectively unless the BOTs are engineered properly. And one of the most important component of this BOT engineering is Exception handling or in simple words right categorization of the errors and then developing solutions around the same to deal with those errors to meet the expectations of the RPA owner. Occasionally, in the course of its work, an RPA BOT definitely encounter a situation it was not programmed to handle – and, in those cases, it will stall. Those cases can be for foreseeable reasons – security or access constraints – or it can be for unforeseeable reasons – like missing or incorrect data. Increasingly, RPA developers are ab...