Data Automation - Part II
In part I of this series, we have gone through methods of data capturing. In this part let's explore why and how to automate the captured data. Data automation is considered vital for business sustainability. Entire business ecosystem is built on a foundation of data that is always changing. That data is housed across and used by many distinct systems across organization. The efficiency and effectiveness of business operations heavily rely on how easily data can be collected, updated, and passed between systems. According to the International Data Center (IDC), the global data sphere is expected to grow to 163 zettabytes by 2025. That’s equivalent to 163 trillion gigabytes, or ten times more than the amount recorded in 2016. That’s a lot to deal with, isn’t it? This is where data automation comes to your rescue! So, what is data automation? In a very simple language, we can say - It’s the use of technology to automate the way we collect, updates, processes, and stores data. B...